Ebook Guiding Missal Fifty Years. Three Generations of Military Men. One Spirited Prayer Book.

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In 1944, a U.S. Army baker volunteers as a forward observer to carry out covert operations behind German lines in World War II. In the early 1960s, a focused nineteen-year-old Airman is responsible for decoding critical top secret messages during the height of the Berlin Crisis. In 1993, an army sniper overcomes a debilitating condition only to fight for survival in the streets of war-torn Mogadishu, Somalia, when a Blackhawk helicopter is shot down. Yet, when each of these men face a crisis, this very special prayer book, My Military Missal, provides the comfort and encouragement of divine power. Based on actual events, Guiding Missals timeless journey of faith, patriotism and miracles will touch your heart as the missal and the men call out to God for guidance, protection, and a safe return home. Legion of Mary Handbook FRANK DUFF Founder of the Legion of Mary Frank Duff was born in Dublin Ireland on June 7 1889 He entered the Civil Service at the age of 18
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