Download Ebook Spare the Kids Why Whupping Children Won't Save Black America

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A challenge to the cultural tradition of corporal punishment in Black homes and its connections to racial violence in AmericaWhy do so many African Americans have such a special attachment to whupping children Studies show that nearly 80 percent of black parents see spanking, popping, pinching, and beating as reasonable, effective ways to teach respect and to protect black children from the streets, incarceration, encounters with racism, or worse. However, the consequences of this widely accepted approach to child-rearing are far-reaching and seldom discussed. Dr. Stacey Pattons extensive research suggests that corporal punishment is a crucial factor in explaining why black folks are subject to disproportionately higher rates of school suspensions and expulsions, criminal prosecutions, improper mental health diagnoses, child abuse cases, and foster care placements, which too often funnel abused and traumatized children into the prison system.Weaving together race, religion, history, popular culture, science, policing, psychology, and personal testimonies, Dr. Patton connects what happens at home to what happens in the streets in a way that is thought-provoking, unforgettable, and deeply sobering. Spare the Kids is not just a book. It is part of a growing national movement to provide positive, nonviolent discipline practices to those rearing, teaching, and caring for children of color. The Wizards Absolutely Dominated In The First Quarter The Wizards are not here to fuck around They opened Game 1 of their second-round series against the Celtics with a ridiculous 16-0 run starting things off with 7-of BattleTech (Tabletop Game) - TV Tropes The BattleTech board game was launched by FASA in the early '80s evolving from traditional tabletop wargaming like Dungeons & Dragons but influenced by the Interviews Tavis Smiley PBS Thank you for having such as Gary Younge Harry Belafonte Ann Ravel the list goes on I learn a lot watching your show I learn a lot watching you pose your Stop Beating Black Children - The New York Times Too many black leaders continue to support hitting children A few years ago our first black president joked nostalgically at the 100th anniversary of the Its time for black America to stop spanking its kids In her new book Spare the Kids: Why Whupping Children Wont Save Black America Stacey Patton explores the deeply embedded practice of corporal Spare The Kids - SPARE THE KIDS Recent Posts 3 Reasons Why Black Folks Still Justify Whupping Our Kids; How Killing Black Children Is An American Tradition Ill Beat Yo Ass! Health and Fitness - NJcom New Jersey's Health and Fitness news keeps you in shape Why I Have No Sympathy for Angry White Men Dame Magazine I am so tired of hearing about the poor angry White males who feel our government has left them behind But it seems the media and politicians are incessantly focused Clara's Kitchen: Wisdom Memories and Recipes from the CLARA'S KITCHEN CHAPTER ONE Goods from the Garden and "Found" Foods ESPECIALLY IN THE LEAN YEARS of the Depression we lived on vegetables and and it kept us The Red Sox Had A Field Day With Poor Nick Tepesch As the Twins top pitching prospect Jos Berrios was the obvious choice to replace the hapless and now-demoted Kyle Gibson in the teams starting rotation But
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