Download The America 2051 Project A Non-Political Plan To Fix Our Political System

[PDF.vQWN] The America 2051 Project A Non-Political Plan To Fix Our Political System

[PDF.vQWN] The America 2051 Project A Non-Political Plan To Fix Our Political System

[PDF.vQWN] The America 2051 Project A Non-Political Plan To Fix Our Political System

You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. [PDF.vQWN] The America 2051 Project A Non-Political Plan To Fix Our Political System, this is a great books that I think.
[PDF.vQWN] The America 2051 Project A Non-Political Plan To Fix Our Political System

Good News, America! WE the PEOPLE can fix Washington DC, and put an end to the spiraling debt, corporate influence, two-party war, inattentive management, unfair taxes, ballot re-counts, constant campaigning, unlimited re-elections and highly politicized judicial nominations (just to name a few). Its never been used before, but in 1787 a check-and-balance was added to the Constitution that allows the States to place concrete and permanent limits (with actual consequences) on the President, Congress and Supreme Court: The Article V Convention. The key to the entire process is for American citizens to coordinate at the grassroots level (just like they did 225 years ago when they created this great nation) and vote strategically in local elections for their state representatives. The America 2051 Project is a step-by-step plan to call a limited Constitutional Convention and implement real and lasting change by the second half of this Century, complete with fill-in-the-blank legislative documents, convention rules, information and lobbying materials, and proposed amendment language for adoption at the Convention. With the tools provided for us in the Constitution, and the ability to coordinate through, we can restore the balance of power away from our public servants, and back to We the People. Let's form a More Perfect Union. (All proceeds from this book will support the non-profit work of The America 2051 Project, Inc.)
Read Gypsy Crystal

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